
Come take up My mantle and go sow the seed of the Word by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.

Look to me, trust in Me, let Your confidence be in Me. When you hold on to Me you will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.

My Beloved,

Come now and let us reason together. I want you to talk to Me about your day, what you're feeling, how you're struggling, this is a relationship. It's you and Me.

I forgive you of your sins. I love you. No one understands you better than I do. I know you profoundly more than you even know yourself. I have designed you for a specific purpose. Abide in Me so that it will come to fruition in your life.

Set your mind on the things above, not on the things on earth.

I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you should go. Sometimes I may lead you into difficult circumstances, but where ever I guide you, it is for your good in the end.

Apply what I have taught you over the years. Take your eyes off your circumstances and focus on your destination. press on to the good, and the highest.

I am taking you through a way that you may not temporarily understand. Ask Me and I will give you clear understanding in everything I have allowed into your life.

Stand firm in faith believing that I have plans for you. Plans to prosper you and not harm you, to give you a future filled with hope. I send you encouragement and sense of creativity. try new avenues that lead to hope and fresh beginnings.

I have called you to a higher standard.

Always do your best for My glory. Hear, understand and put into practice My counsel and instruction. Worship me each week in My house. For you have been born again not of seed but through the living and enduring Word of God.

Today, starting fulfilling your angelic mission. Bring my message to those who dwell on earth. You are My Messenger. Live each day as my earth angel. Seek the outpouring of My spirit on your life to touch your dry ground and make it fruitful. Prepare and receive your latter rains of blessings.

Obey all of My commands. Give Me your allegiance. I must be Lord of all. It is essential that you remain faithful in prayer and in the study of My Word so that you can walk with Me in a daily relationship and discover the plan and the principles I want you to live by.

I AM here for you always and I AM your answer continuously, every day always and forever. Live accordingly.

Come take up My mantle and go sow the seed of the Word by the power and authority of the Holy Spirit. I have anointed you to fulfil it. Now, take action to accomplish your dream, go forward even when it seems that you will drown in the sea before you.

Trust me in the face of death.

Love your Father,