Episode 1: Gateway Sunday School Supply Company

Thank you for trusting me with your valuable time as you scroll through Gateway Sunday School Supply Company and settle into the story that I’ve created for you

Episode 1: Gateway Sunday School Supply Company
"I know right..."

Dear Reader,

Thank you for trusting me with your valuable time as you scroll through  Gateway Sunday School Supply Company and settle into the story that I’ve created for you.

My intent, when I put my fingers on the keyboard and begin typing was to create a story with completely made-up people in made-up worlds with made-up drama.

This is not exactly how it turned out.

At least not in its entirety.

For the sake of argument, let’s suggest that I have perhaps taken liberties with certain truths pulled out of the pages of my own life and of the people I know. Let’s call these portions “creative nonfiction” and leave the reader to guess which parts of the story are real.

I have pushed this story a few years back into the past to 2020. And have used my creative license as a writer with what I feel has become a way of life when it comes to toxic environments, whether they be in the workplace, the church or your home.

As many writers will tell you, life is often stranger than fiction. So why do we always strive to fill our stories with things greater than life? Why not simply tell a story that so many will relate to and find the inspiration to overcome and heal within the story?

This, my friend, is that story.

Blessings to you and happy reading.